Workout of the Day 3/31/2011


10 forward roll tuck into handstand;  Do individually beginning with tuck into handstand.

2 Rounds for reps:

2 minutes max Pistols; alternating legs

1 minute rest

2 minutes max  Kipping Pullups; maintain hollow position

1 minute rest


Perform 30 press-to-headstand; use appropriate position tuck/straddle/pike, perform in any set/rep scheme, just do the total work.

Check out this great article by the wonderful folks at  Especially note this section,

Most new trainees, including the skinny and weak ones, don’t understand that it’s an accumulation of strength work over time that makes people strong, not trying to increase the load as quickly as possible in a matter of months. Most soft tissue injuries are associated with pushing too much too soon.”

Announcement: We will be performing our WOD 11.2 on Saturday starting at 11:00am. Heat sign-up sheets will be up at the gym for people to sign-up for by tomorrow evenings classes. This will be a pot-luck, please try and bring a dish, the gym will provide adult beverages.  The 9am class will be canceled, the 10am community class will run as normal. Also we encourage everyone to come join us to not only support your fellow athletes who are registered to compete, but also to jump into a heat and perform the workout when equipment allows it!

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