Category Archives: Crossfit_Monterey


Rest Day

Workout of the Day 10/30/14


Front Squat
6 @ 7, 6 @ 8, 6 @ 9
plus 2 down sets (load drop)


5 Rounds:
:40 work/:20 Rest
1. Row for cals
2. Toes To Bar
3. Burpees
4. Russian Twists

Workout Of The Day 7/23/2012


Paused Snatch 70%x1x10 on :60

3 rounds for time:

5 unbroken deadlifts, 275#/185#

10 unbroken chest-to-bar pullups

20 unbroken double unders

Rest 1:00

Post load used and reps made for snatch, and time for circuit to comments.

Workout Of The Day 7/23/2012


Paused Snatch 70%x1x10 on :60

3 rounds for time:

5 unbroken deadlifts, 275#/185#

10 unbroken chest-to-bar pullups

20 unbroken double unders

Rest 1:00

Post load used and reps made for snatch, and time for circuit to comments.

Workout Of The Day 7/23/2012

Now that’s how you FINISH!

Paused Snatch 70%x1x10 on :60

3 rounds for time:

5 unbroken deadlifts, 275#/185#

10 unbroken chest-to-bar pullups

20 unbroken double unders

Rest 1:00

Workout Of The Day 7/23/2012


Paused Snatch 70%x1x10 on :60

3 rounds for time:

5 unbroken deadlifts, 275#/185#

10 unbroken chest-to-bar pullups

20 unbroken double unders

Rest 1:00

Post load used and reps made for snatch, and time for circuit to comments.

Workout Of The Day 7/9/2012

Front Squat 1 rep max

10 sets:

40y suicide sprint within 45 seconds

Rest 45 seconds

Sprint to the 10 yard line.  Execute a full 180 degree turn, sprint back to the start line.  Repeat at the 20 yard line, 30 yard line, and 40 yard line.  At the end of the workout, for every sprint not completed within 45 seconds, perform 10 burpees.

Post load for front squat and burpees performed for sprint to comments.

Workout of the Day 6/6/2012

3 sets:
5 clean & jerk, tough and go, 65%1RM
Row 250m

Individually timed.

AMRAP 12 minutes:
10 ring pullups
5 handstand pushups
10 one legged squats, alternating

Post your days training to comments.

Workout of the Day 6/4/2012

3 Sets:
5 Snatch; 75% of 1RM
Max Muscle-ups
Rest as needed, perform both movements back to back.

3 rounds for time:
1 Clean + 4 Front Squat; 75% of 1RM (clean)
Sprint to Ortiz and back
Rest :60

3 x 10 Leg Circles/each direction

Post your days training to comments.

Workout of the Day 5/8/2012

Push Press 1RM


3 rounds for time:

Run to Ortiz & back

21 kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg

12 pullups